

European Development  And Research Academy (EDARA)

    Saturday, 10 August 2024 15:23

    The Effectiv of the Testing Chemical Pesticide Nishan 20sc and the Biopesticide Spinosad on the Larvae and Pupae of the Culex Theileri Theobald Mosquitoes of the Genus Culex (Diptera: Culicidea) in Samarra

    Written by Harith Ahmed Mustafa3
    (0 votes)

     The Effectiv of the Testing Chemical Pesticide Nishan 20sc and the Biopesticide Spinosad on the Larvae and Pupae of the Culex Theileri Theobald Mosquitoes of the Genus Culex (Diptera: Culicidea) in Samarra
    Mustafa Abdul khaliq Hamad1 Husham Naji Hameed2
    Harith Ahmed Mustafa3


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