

European Development  And Research Academy (EDARA)

    Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences Ural (8)

    Prof. Dr. Abedel-karrem Nasser M. Alomari

    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Yarmouk University, Jordan.


    Jawdat Alebraheem

    Department of Mathematics, College of Science Alzufi- University Majmaah, Saudi Arabia. 

    Saudi Arabia

    Saad Sabbar Dahham

    University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Sultanate Oman


    Almbrok  Hussin Alsonosi OMAR

    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Sebha University. Libya.


    Aws Nayyef Ltef Aldoori

    Oman, Masqat.


    Prof. Dr. Ghassan Ezzulddin Arif

    Tikrit University, College of Education for Pure Sciences, Department of Mathematics.



    Editor-in-Chief of the Journal

    Assist. Prof. Baraa Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Hilali

    University of Samarra, College of Education, Biology Department.



    Managing Editor of the Journal

     Assis. Techer. Alyaa Hussein Ashour

    University of Mashreq, College of Medical Sciences, Technologies Department of Medical Physics.


    Editorial Secretary of the Journal

    Rostam Kareem Saeed

    Department of Mathematics, College of Science ,Salahaddin University - Erbil


    Mahfoodh Khaleel Abdullah

    Department of Food, College of Agriculture , Tikrit University


    Sadiq A. Mehdi

    Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Sciences,Mustansiriyah University


    Mustafa Abdullah Theyab

    Department of Applied Chemistry, College of Applied Sciences-University of Samarra, Iraq


    -The researcher submits a pledge not to send the research to any other journal, as well as not to participate the research in any scientific conference.
    -The total number of research pages must not exceed 15 pages, and the abstract of the research must be written in the research language only.
    -The title of the research should be written in bold, size 16. The name of the researcher or researchers should be written in bold 12. The affiliation of the researcher should be in a plain, non-bold font 12. The researcher’s email should be attached under it.
    - Headlines within the research should be written in bold in 12, and the content should written in 12. The table-title should be centered line at the top line of the table.
    -The title of the figures and images is in the middle of the line below the figure or the image. The word sources should be in bold 12 and all the sources are written in 10 font, and the font is Times New Roman for all researches, whether in Arabic or English. The spacing is single and not more than 1.
    -The Vancouver system must be followed in citing and writing sources where the source number should be written inside the body between square brackets [ ] and the sources are serialized in the list of sources according to the order of the source in the body of the research.
    -Research submissions are printed in a Microsoft Word file.
    -The journal has all intellectual property rights to the published research.
    -The published research does not express only the opinions of its owners.
    -The editorial board has the right to make some formal modifications to the submitted article when necessary without changing the content of the topic.

    Introduction to the First Issue

    In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful



    It is my pleasure to offer researchers the opportunity to publish their valuable scientific research that serves the natural and applied sciences and develops them for the better.

    The journal staff promise the researchers to develop the work in order to get in the global capacities and it will be one of the best regional and global journals

    We present this first issue between your hands

    As we appreciate the efforts of the journal staff


                                                                                      Prof.  Dr. Ghassan Ezzedin Aref 


    Publication specializations in the journal















    The journal is published in English and Arabic
    General Supervisor of the Journal:
    Prof. Khalid Ragheb Ahmed Al-Khatib
    Head of the Center for Research and Human
    Resources Development Ramah – Jordan
    Managing Director:
    Dr. Mosaddaq Ameen Ateah AL- Doori
    Administrative title of the journal:
    Amman\ Jordan\ Wasfi Al-Tal \ Gardens
    Phone: +962799424774