

European Development  And Research Academy (EDARA)

    The Zagreb index of the idempotent divisor graph of commutative ring

    Written by Luma Ahmed Khaleel
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     The Zagreb index of the idempotent divisor graph of commutative ring
    Luma Ahmed Khaleel
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Science, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq


    The idempotent divisor graph of a commutative ring is a graph with vertices set in * = -{0}, and two distinct vertices d1 ,d2 are adjacent if and only if = e. For some non-unit idempotent element e2 = e ∊ , it is denoted by ( ) . In this paper, we find some basic properties of this graph when a ring is direct product of field order 2 and local ring of nilpotency 2. As well as we fined The Zagreb index of this graph.
    Key word: idempotent divisor graph, zero divisor graph, direct product, Zagreb index of graph.



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