This study will try to address the complex network security dimensions using a multidimensional approach involving a NetLogo simulation, Nmap scanning, and Wireshark analysis. The NetLogo simulation model ensures an accurate insight into the dynamics of penetration testing and defense strategies of networks thereby allowing a better understanding of interactions amongst different elements in the network and how they affect security from practice (defensive and offensive) to comprehensive security. Information provided by Nmap scanning is used for hosts and services on the network in detail these aid in identifying and assessing potential vulnerabilities as well as enhancement of security strategies. Wireshark analysis focuses on packet transfer behaviors, describing ways communication patterns are identified as well as how to detect suspicious activities: and possible intrusions. At its core, findings accentuate network security as complex, digital assets needing protection through robust defense mechanisms.
Keywords: Cybersecurity, Ethical hacking, network security, NetLogo, Nmap, and Wireshark.