

European Development  And Research Academy (EDARA)

     Finding Ideal Points in PG(3,2), PG(3,3)

    Written by Hajir Hayder Abdullah *, Sahbaa Abd alstar Younus2, Wafa Younus Yahya3
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     Finding Ideal Points in PG(3,2), PG(3,3)
    Hajir Hayder Abdullah *, Sahbaa Abd alstar Younus2, Wafa Younus Yahya3
    1Department of mathematics, College of Education for pure Science, University of Al-Hamdaniya, Nineveh, Iraq
    2Department of mathematics, College of Education for pure Science, University of Al-Hamdaniya, Nineveh, Iraq
    3Department of mathematics, College of Education for pure Science, University of Al-Hamdaniya, Nineveh, Iraq


    The mean goal of this research is to find ideal points, that is those points that appear continuously even after changing the point formula (x, y, z, w) and rearranging it in another way, and finding the distance between it and the original point .d(e) the divergent point the point with a weight equal n, o(e) order of point, the point generated by the element e .d the distance generated between the point.
    Keywords: Projective plane, Projective space, Coding theory, Incidence matrix.


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