

European Development  And Research Academy (EDARA)

     On Some Mappings in Intuitionistic Topological Spaces

    Written by Saleh,B.H, Yassen, S.R ,Amina, K. H
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     On Some Mappings in Intuitionistic Topological Spaces
    2Yassen, S.R
    3Amina, K. H
    1,2Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq
    3Materials Department, College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq.


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    This work presents new types of some generalized weak continuous, closed and open mappings like intuitionistic
    . Moreover, we introduced new types of some generalized weak irresolute mappings, Like intuitionistic with studying some properties related them. Also, we studying some relationships among these concepts. Finally, relationships among generalized weak continuous mappings and generalized weak continuous mappings are studied.
    Keywords: Weak shapes, irresolute function, strong function, perfectly function.




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